Tomáš Válek
Green Ways partner
Software Developer


Bc. Tomáš Válek

CV (English), CV (Czech)

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My name is Tomáš Válek. I studied Information Technology (IT) at Brno University of Technology, where I graduated as IT programmer (more informations about my study program here). The IT field is one of my biggest hobby since I was a child. I concetrate mainly on mobile apps as freelancer, web development less as part-time.

My free time is filled with my friends, doing hiking and walking tours somewhere in the wild nature and I really like to dance too. My favourite dance is Bachata. Aside from this, I am really interested in healthy ways/diets of living, in good and balanced food and nourishment and Green Ways is one of them, for sure. Last but not least, to keep my life harmonious and fresh, I love to work on new interesting and meaningful projects which inspire people and give us more freedom.


Device Temperature Monitor & Alarm

Android SDK | Androidx | Kotlin | Python | Bash | Git | Google AdMob | Google Ads | Firebase | in-app-billing

Since 2021

Monitor CPU and device temperature in real time with the CPU & Device Temperature: Monitor & Alarm Android app. It's a user-friendly lightweight application for monitoring device temperature with the possibility of setting an alarm when the temperature is exceeded.

Android developer at eMan Ltd.

Android SDK | Java | Kotlin | Git

From 2019 to 2020

Development of Android applications for ŠKODA AUTO a.s.

Dash Cam Travel – Car Camera

Android SDK | Androidx | Java | Kotlin | Python | Bash | JUnit | Espresso | UiAutomator | Barista | Git | Google AdMob | Google Ads | Firebase | Facebook API | Glide | in-app-billing | YouTube API | Geocoding API

Since 2016

A simple and user-friendly DashCam Travel Android app. used as a camera and video-recorder for the car. It's very useful to save videos from traffic accidents (disclosure of evidence), unexpected situations or interesting moments.

Partner at Green Ways Ltd.

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary

Since 2016

Business partner of Green Ways (GW). GW delivers green food (Barley & Chlorella Pyrenoidosa) and job opportunities to the market through network Fibonacci's Marketing. Meeting new people, improving their health, physical, mental, financial states. Focusing on personal and collective grow, uniting communities of equally keen and people, forming better and valuable way of living.


Android SDK | Androidx | Java | Git | Firebase | in-app-billing

From 2015 to 2022

Likeable app. and website for every day use, bringing you positive affirmations and pictures, where you can also add yours and make them public and visible for all.

Android app for HBH Projekt Ltd.

Android SDK | Java

In 2014

Digitization of a paper form into a custom Android application: Migrační objekty.

Android app for Autoalternativ

Android SDK | Java

In 2014

The Android app. to change actual price of a LPG fuel on a website.

Application development Kadlec-elektronika Ltd.

Android SDK | Java | TCP/IP | DNS | SSH | Javascript | PHP | HTML | CSS | MySQL | NoSQL | AJAX | jQuery | SOAP | JSON | Chrome API | Apache Windows/Linux | LaTeX | RaspberryPi

From 2013 to 2018

Focus on web developments and applications for internet ordering and queuing system. The app. contains extensive configurations of ordering. Structure: data model, MySQL DB, server (PHP), interface JSON and SOAP. On the client side is a single page application in Javascript language with AJAX requests. Other: development of advertising web. displays, web. applications closely associated with the queuing system.

Tracking Air Pollutants by Using Wireless Sensor Network

Device design | PCB design | PCB mounting | ČSN 73 6058 | 3 pcs of prototypes | 4 firmwares | C | ZigBit | ZigBee | USB-B | UART | JTAG | ISP | I2C | LPG | C3H8 | C4H10 | C6H6 | CO | NOx

In 2013

Final Thesis in PDF

This thesis discusses how to design and create a prototype of a device and how to implement a firmware as an embedded system. The main function is to wirelessly monitor an amount of pollutants concentrations like carbon monoxide and propane-butane in atmosphere. The main goal of the thesis is to allow vehicles with an engine gaseous fuel to park underground together with other non LPG cars and observe the standart rule: CSN 73 6058. The prototype of the device has been suggested to be used not only in collective garages but also in family houses. The device was successfully designed and programmed so that it can be produced in real-world conditions.

Projects from the Faculty of Information Technology

Assembly | C | VHDL | SQL | Prolog | Lisp | LaTeX | Java | Perl | Python | Bash | TCP/IP | SSH

Since 2010 to 2013

Show all VUT-FIT projects

Network Applications and Network Administration (ISA)

[C] Traceroute IPv4/IPv6

[PDF] Traceroute IPv4/IPv6

Digital Systems Design (INC)

[VHDL] Access terminal

Database Systems (IDS)

[PDF] E-R diagram Car service

[SQL] Creating a database

[SQL] Select queries

Introduction to Software Engineering (IUS)

[PDF] Documentation (Use-case diagram, Detail of use-case, E-R diagram)

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (IZU)

[C] State space search method A*

[Prolog] Prolog


Introduction to Programming Systems (IZP)

[C] Convert time data

[C] Iterative calculations

[C] Matrix operations

[C] Czech sorting (CSN976030)

Formal Languages and Compilers (IFJ)

[C] Lexical analyser

[PDF] Documentation

[PDF] Defense

Design of Computer Systems (INP)

[VHDL] Control of matrix display

[VHDL] Processor with a simple instruction set

Microprocessors and Embedded Systems (IMP)

[C] Communication microcontrollers MC9S08JM60 through IIC

[PDF] Communication microcontrollers MC9S08JM60 through IIC

[Assembly] Communication through SCI

[Assembly] Detection of button presses

[C] Pulse width modulation

[C] Signal sampling

Typography and Publishing (ITY)

[LaTeX] Plain and hybrid typesetting

[PDF] Plain and hybrid typesetting

[LaTeX] Typesetting with mathematical expressions

[PDF] Typesetting with mathematical expressions

[LaTeX] Typesetting with tables and pictures

[PDF] Typesetting with tables and pictures

[LaTeX] Typesetting and bibliographies

[PDF] Typesetting and bibliographies

Algorithms (IAL)

[C] One-way linear list

[C] Stack

[C] Two-way linear list

[C] Hash table

[C] Recursive operations on binary search tree

[C] Non-recursive operations on binary search tree

Java Programming Language (IJA)

The project was a team of two members. A colleague don't wish show his source code, there is only mine.

[Java] Simulator of Petri net (server)

[Java] Simulator of Petri net (client)

[Java] Simulator of Petri net (registration of customer)

Sample (video)

Computer Communications and Networks (IPK)

[C] Simple web. client

[C] Simple client/server

[PDF] Simple client/server

[C] Reliable communication RDT over UDP

Principles of Programming Languages (IPP)

[Perl] Syntax highlight

[PDF] Syntax highlight

[Python] C Header Analysis in Python3

[PDF] C Header Analysis in Python3

Operating Systems (IOS)

[Bash] Syntax highlight strace

[Bash] Diff. of changes in archives

[C] Synchronization of processes – sleeping barber problem

Development and technology


  • Android SDK, Jetpack,
  • Java, Kotlin,
  • JUnit, Espresso,
  • Linux OS,
  • Libre Office, Open Office,
  • Git, SCRUM,
  • Clean architecture,
  • Publish apps on Google Play,
  • Google AdMob, Google Ads, Firebase,
  • Facebook Ads, Facebook API.


  • Assembly, C, Perl, Python, Bash Shell,
  • Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, NoSQL,
  • AJAX, jQuery,
  • Chrome API,
  • Apache Windows/Linux,
  • LaTeX,
  • RaspberryPi, AutoCAD, EAGLE.